API Keys and Permissions

The API now uses a permission system, the Admins and Primary Admins can login to the Online Portal to manage these permissions.

API Keys can be used as a ‘drop in’ replacement for password, allowing access to the APIs without the need for 2FA. Any user with permission can login to the Online Portal to generate an API key. When generating an expiry date can be defined along with optional scope limitations, to limit what permissions the API will have access to in addition to the permission limitations of the user generating the key. When logging into the API use the same username as normal and use the API Key in place of the password.

Trading API Permission Nodes #

Beneficiary #

Bene.Get, Report.Bene – /Bene/GetBenes
Report.Bene – /Bene/GetBenesAsHtml
Report.Bene – /Bene/GetBenesAsPdf
Report.Bene – /Bene/GetBenesAsXlsx
Bene.Add – /Bene/AddBene
Bene.Link.Link – /Bene/LinkBene
Trade.Get, Report.Trade- /Bene/GetLinkedBenes
Bene.Link.Unlink – /Bene/UnLinkBene
Bene.Add – /Bene/GetPaymentParameters
Bene.Add – /Bene/GetIBANDetails
Bene.Add – /Bene/GetSwiftDetails
Bene.Add – /Bene/GetBankCodeDetails
Bene.Disapprove – /Bene/DisapproveBene
Bene.Add.Bulk – /Bene/BeneBulkUpload

Country and Currency #

No permission – /Country/GetCountries
No permission – /Currency/GetSourceCurrencies
No permission – /Currency/GetTargetCurrencies

Fund #

Fund.AllocateFunds – /Fund/AllocateFunds
Fund.GetAccountBalance – /Fund/GetUnallocatedFundsFortheClient
Fund.GetAccountBalance – /Fund/GetAccountBalance
Report.AccountBalance – /Fund/GetAccountBalanceAsXlsx
Report.AccountBalance – /Fund/GetAccountBalanceAsHtml
Report.AccountBalance – /Fund/GetAccountBalanceAsPdf

Payment #

Payment.GetAvailableFunds – /Payment/GetAvailableFunds
Payment.MergePayment – /Payment/SaveMergePayment

Rate #

Trade.BookSpot – /Rate/GetSpotRate
Trade.BookForward – /Rate/GetForwardRate

Trade #

Trade.BookSpot – /Trade/BookSpotDeal
Trade.BookForward – /Trade/BookForwardDeal
Trade.BookForward.Batch – /Trade/BookBatchForwardDeals
Trade.BookSpot.Batch – /Trade/BookBatchSpotDeals
Trade.BookSameCurrency – /Trade/BookSameCurrencyTransfer
Trade.Get, Report.Trade – /Trade/GetFxContractHistory
Trade.Get, Report.Trade – /Trade/GetTransferHistory
Report.Trade – /Trade/GetTransferHistoryAsHtml
Report.Trade – /Trade/GetTransferHistoryAsPdf
Report.Trade – /Trade/GetTransferHistoryAsXlsx
Trade.BookSpot, Trade.BookForward – /Trade/GetTransferReasons
Trade.BookSpot, Trade.BookForward – /Trade/GetTransferReasonsForCorp
Trade.BookSpot, Trade.BookForward – /Trade/GetTransferReasonsForPC
Fund.GetAccountBalance, Fund.AllocateFunds – /Trade/GetBankDetailsToPayInto
Trade.Get – /Trade/GetFxContractNote
Trade.Get – /Trade/GetFxTransferNotice

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