POST Book Multiple Spot Deals

Call this API to book multiple spot deals at once. You will need to submit a CSV file to this endpoint using form data, a summary CSV file is then returned.

Request URL #

Field In Format Description Required
Authorization header string Authentication token Mandatory
Spot.csv Body Form-data file The file containing the details of the spot contracts to be booked Mandatory
Date File String Format: DD/MM/YYYY Date of booking Mandatory
Source Currency File String Selling currency’s three-digit code Mandatory
Target Currency File String Buying currency’s three-digit code Mandatory
Source Amount File Decimal Enter desired selling amount Either source amount or target amount
Target Amount File Decimal Enter desired buying amount Either source amount or target amount


Request Sample (CSV) #

Date,Source Currency,Target Currency,Source Amount,Target Amount

Response Sample (CSV) #

Date Created, SourceCurrency, TargetCurrency, SourceAmount, TargetAmount, Rate, Trade Booked?, Reason for Failure,
17/06/2022, GBP, EUR, 1000.0000000, 1137.7000000, 1.1377074, YES, N/A, 
17/06/2022, GBP, USD, 0, 2000, 1.1853728,NO, Error: Source amount you entered is less than the minimum contract amount GBP 3000.00, 
17/06/2022, GBP, NOK, 3000.0000000, 35701.5500000, 11.9005178, YES, N/A, 
16/06/2022, GBP, INR, 3000.0000000, 281029.4200000, 93.6764754, NO, Your transfer has been saved as QUOTE only. Please get in touch with your trader if you want to convert it to a trade,

Response Codes #

HTTP Status Description Message
200 Success Success
401 Token Expired or invalid token Token is no longer valid, please login again.
401 Missing token Please add ‘Authorization’ to your request header.
400 No file uploaded Please upload one CSV file to do the batch booking via form data
400 Multiple files uploaded Please upload only one CSV file
400 Non-CSV file uploaded Please pass a .csv file to process

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