GET Retrieve Unallocated Funds

When calling this API on its own, you will retrieve all the unallocated funds for your account.

Currency code parameter can be added to the query to retrieve unallocated funds for a specific currency.

Request URL

Field In Format Description Required
Authorization header string Authentication token Mandatory
currency query string Three-digit currency code Optional

Request Sample

Response Sample

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "singleObject": null,
  "objectCollection": [
      "uniqueID": 36004515,
      "bankAccountId": 13972,
      "unallocatedFundsBankAcc": "BAR-Smart Client GBP A/c",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "fundAvailable": 160.28,
      "fxid": 1417666,
      "fxContractId": "FX2022-35194",
      "fxFundsReqd": 1108.65,
      "depositReqd": 0.00,
      "fxAgreedRate": 1.2101813

Response Codes

HTTP Status Description Message
200 Success  
401 Token Expired or invalid token Token is no longer valid, please login again.
401 Missing token Please add ‘Authorization’ to your request header.
400 No unallocated funds No funds available


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Smart Currency Fintech
1 Lyric Square,
W6 0NB

[email protected]
020 7898 0500