POST Book Same Currency

This API call allows you to book a same currency transfer, if enabled for your account. (Only applicable for GBP)

Request URL #

Field In Format Description Required
Authorization header string Authentication token Mandatory
beneficiaryId text integer Beneficiary’s ID Mandatory
beneficiaryReference text string Reference associated to beneficiary Optional
amount body Number Amount to be entered Mandatory
currency body string Three-digit currency code Mandatory
transferDate body string Format: DD/MM/YYYY Mandatory

Request Sample #

  "beneficiaryId": 159455,
  "amount": 1000,
  "currency": "GBP",
  "transferDate": "17/06/2022"

Response Sample #

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Payment request has been saved successfully into our system. Our team will 
              get in touch if we need any more information from you",
  "singleObject": {
    "beneficiaryId": 159455,
    "beneficiaryReference": " - From  GRO-087",
    "amount": 1000,
    "currency": "GBP",
    "transferDate": "17/06/2022"
  "objectCollection": []

Response codes #

HTTP Status Description Message
200 Success Success
401 Token Expired or invalid token Token is no longer valid, please login again.
401 Missing token Please add ‘Authorization’ to your request header.
400 Transfer date is in the past Transfer date cannot be in the past.
400 Transfer date is invalid Transfer date is not valid.
400 Beneficiary Id doesn’t belong to your account Error: Sorry the beneficiary Id you provide doesn’t belong to you.
400 Amount is less than or equal to 0 Error: The amount has to be valid number.
400 Currency other than GBP specified Error: Only GBP payment is allowed
400 Beneficiary is for a different currency Error: The beneficiary given is not the same currency as the input currency – bene currency is: EUR – input currency is: GBP

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Smart Currency Fintech
1 Lyric Square,
W6 0NB

[email protected]
020 7898 0500